Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This is school life.

ARGHH... School started off boringly. Is that such a word? Lol.
First was the freaking boring Literature. ZZz. I don't detest literature, but the way the teacher teachs bores me. She can continue for not stopping over the whole periods, reading whatever found on the book. LOL! Everyone was like sleeping in class lor. So here am I, writing craps on the text book.

This is what I wrote.
''The clocks ticks life away,
the boring literature teacher crapping away,
When the bell rings, I'm awaked!'' =D

Lol, don't laugh at me, at least I survived 35 minutes of literature without sleeping.^^
As she continuing teaching, Mr Quek the DM came in. LOLS. For your information, he was there to cut hair for those people with long hair.This was the account.
Mr Quek : You, Come out. ( pointing fingers)
Class : Unusual attention and slience
Those being called out : ( was like what the hell) ; walking out reluctantly of course.
Mdm Kaur : See, I told ya' not to sleep in class. ( softly)
LOL! for a moment, I thought Mr Quek come here to catch people sleeping in class. Chey, cut hair only..ZZz Heng ar, I kept my hair super short, so not a problem with me.^^

Then the day continues. Lessons were alright. Interesting enough to keep me awake. You might think I'm that type who will sleep in lessons, I'm not lor. Except literature^^
So Recess came. I didn't go for recess though. Was staying in class crapping with the damm prefect trying to chase us out of the classroom. We argued with them, and its really fun doing that, especially with a group of people. Unity is power^^ Kk, I admit we gave lame excuses like '' OH, I forgot my wallet lah. I go back take also cannot meh?'' or ''I never take my water bottle. I go back class take.''
LOL. Yeah .I suppose the prefect is so damm pissed off with us. Good for her lor. So unreasonable. We were being chased by her, running up and down the stairs. In the end, we hid in the toliet for a while, came out, and ended up chased by here again. zzz. Basically we were playing hide and seek with prefects. WE OWN THEM!!

Whitley prefects sucks ( some)
So damm act.
Abuse Authority
So bossy
Whatever lah!
After having fun, lessons started. Lessons were okay only. Neither boring nor interesting.
Then after school, all 'zhao' already( means run away in hokkien). So fast sia. HaHa. Our class so not 'on' want..zzz. At least find something to play.=P
So I went home, slept through out the whole afternoon. Had dinner, and spending my time here blogging and changing the skin.
It was normal routine. Nothing special.
Actually, Wednesdays are often boring due to a lot of factors. Having to do literature first thing in the morning, and a lot of double periods. It drags on with contact time. Lol.
I have a lot of personal feelings to talk about, but I won't post it here. No mood to do so.
So cya next time with me blogging^^
Think I gotta start studying for exams, they are round the corner.
I know you are wondering whether when is the next time I'll blog again.
Signing off...